Business agility expert Jon Smart guides leaders on their journey in this must read handbook to rival all others in creating a world-class organization
The EdTalk | Portland, Oregon
IT Revolution, the industry leader for advancing DevOps, today announced a new business leadership book, “Sooner Safer Happier”: Antipatterns and Patterns for Business Agility.

In a highly volatile business environment, leaders look for new solutions to remain competitive and win in the marketplace. There is no cookie cutter, one-size-fits-all approach. There is no silver bullet, no snake oil, no panacea. To know whether the bodies of knowledge, the principles and practices you’re using are having the desired impact, you need to know what your desired outcomes are and keep your eye on that ball.
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About Business Leadership Book – “Sooner Safer Happier”
This Business Leadership Book is not about software development. It is not a book about the computer industry. This book offers guiding principles on how to apply agility across the entire organization and build a community of nimble leaders. For those seeking the roadmap on creating organizational effectiveness and delivering better value, sooner, safer and happier, this book is the ultimate resource on how to survive and thrive in the Age of Digital.
“It’s no secret that tech companies make up seven of the world’s ten largest firms by market capitalization. The key to their success, and to all companies today is to innovate with agility across the entire organization,” said Smart. “Better ways of working, suited to the changed nature of work, have been learnt in manufacturing and IT. These ways are now being applied in every corner of successful organizations, taking root in every industry from aerospace to accounting, insurance to shipping.”
About the Author
Jonathan Smart is a business agility practitioner, thought leader, and coach. Smart leads Deloitte’s Business Agility practice, helping organizations deliver better value sooner, safer, and happier through the application of agile, lean, and DevOps principles and practices organization wide. Previously, Smart led Ways of Working globally for Barclays Bank, helping to triple productivity, where he and his team won the Best Internal Agile Team at the Agile Awards in 2016.
Smart is also the founder of the Enterprise Agility Leaders Network, a member of the Programming Committee for DevOps Enterprise Summit, a member of the Business Agility Institute Advisory Council, a guest speaker at London Business School, and speaks at numerous conferences a year.
Book Review Quotes:
“This book provides an indispensable guide for leaders who wish to run truly agile organizations,” said David Silverman, Co-Author of Team of Teams and CEO of CrossLead.
“What [Jon] has achieved and created to help others succeed is nothing short of exceptional,” said Barry O’Reilly, Business Advisor, Entrepreneur, and Author of Unlearn, and Co-Author of Lean Enterprise.
“This is a realistic approach to adopting (or not adopting) agile in your organization. The theory is sound; the practice is extensive. I strongly recommend this book,” said Dave Snowden, Chief Scientific Officer, Cognitive Edge, and Creator of Cynefin.
“[Jon] and his co-authors’ observations and lessons succinctly summarize and teach what decades of books have failed to do,” said Gene Kim, Bestselling Author of The Unicorn Project and The Phoenix Project, Researcher, and Multiple Award-Winning CTO.
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