PR Newswire

PR Newswire

First 500 Students can Enroll Free in a Course on ‘Better Reporting on Immunization’ launched by ISDJ

EDTALK | MUMBAI: IndiaSpend School of Data Journalism (ISDJ), a development and solutions journalism learning and upskilling platform, launched its…

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NMIMS Helps Students Explore the Deep World of Mathematics to Make a Successful Career

The 3 Year B.Sc. Mathematics (Hons.) program under the School is created with a mission to create learned, versatile and…


Great Learning Books Revenue of Rs. 325 Crores in FY20

India's leading ed-tech company GreatLearning has concluded its financial year FY20 with booked revenue of 325 crores; a growth of…

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Global Peace Index Falls in the Last Decade and Is Set to Worsen

Global Peace Index: Global Peacefulness Falls With Sustained Rise in Civil Unrest in the Last Decade and Is Set to…


World University Rankings 2021 released by QS

QS Quacquarelli Symonds, global higher education analysts, released the seventeenth edition of the QS World University Rankings

Awards & Recognitions

Nadim Nsouli, will participate in a webinar on future of K-12 investing by EducationInvestor Global

Nsouli will join John Hayes, director at Rothschild and Co, an investment bank, and Ross Barfoot, partner at global law…

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Blended Study Is the New Hope for Study Abroad Aspirants

Last few months were uncertain for study abroad aspirants but now with an ease in lockdown UK universities are coming…
